The PCO team puts in a lot of effort to create successful conferences and congresses and strive to be surrounded by happy participants.
Below we have collected an extract of the e-mails and letters that the PCO team has received from satisfied clients.
Below we have collected an extract of the e-mails and letters that the PCO team has received from satisfied clients.
World Health Organization
Dear Vita,
So far we have received only positive feedback from RigaJ Your services were fantastic dear Vita! The choice of the hotel, their services with always kind and attentive staff, the food and the dinner together with entertainment were perfect! Thank you again and I promise to advice your services to my other colleagues too.
Wishing you a nice day,
Dear Liga,
Thank you for your outstanding services for the logistics in conjunction with the Octapharma Academy course! The hotel was fantastic (so was the personnel), the food was superb and the dinner in the museum was a memorable evening. The guide was very good and he really contributed to our visit in Riga being nice and interesting. Also the evaluation from the participants of the course was very good. Everything worked out excellently and we were very pleased with the outcome.
6th Congress of Latvian Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Дорогая Вита!
Хочу сердечно поблагодарить за СУПЕРПРОФЕССИОНАЛИЗМ!
Вы организовали и конференцию, и мой приезд, и мой досуг - блестяще!
Была в Риге первый раз - полюбила ее, а ощущение как будто побывала дома у родных.
Светлана Калинченко
AIPPI Baltic conference
Dear Liga,
I want to thank you very much for the organisation of the congress.
I have rarely seen a congress where everything runs so smoothly, especially in view of the large number of speakers.
Very best regards
Daniel X Thomas
Dear Liga!
Thank you for presentations and for conference organisation! I enjoyed conference, and have the best memoirs on time spent in Riga.
Best regards,
Irina Rogal,
Trademark Attorney
Dear Mrs. Hartpenga ,
Back to Munich I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the perfect organization , the good service and the great hospitality during the AIPPI -conference! Due to this we really enjoyed our stay in Riga.
Yours very truly K. Schieschke Munich 23.04.2011
Līga, pirmo reizi redzu tādu personisko attieksmi konferences delegātiem! Paldies Tev!
Foral Patient Law office
5th Baltic Otorhinolaryngology Congress
Dear Professor Sokolovs, Dear Ligia
After 2 hours of flight we have landed in Vienna and now I am safely back home. I would like to thank you for invitation to the Baltic ORL Congress. I must say that the organization was excellent and also the level of presentations and international participation confirmed the position of Latvia and other Baltic countries in the European ORL. Also the evening in the Cinevilla was very pleasant with friendly atmosphere.
Once again thank you and I am looking forward to meet you soon in one of the ORL events.
With friendly regards
Milan Profant
Prof. Milan Profant, MD, PhD
Head of Univ. ORL Dept.
General Secretary to IFOS
Antolska 11
Slovak Republic
Dear Liga,
I just got a feedback from my GSK Lithuania group leader and he was really convenient with congress organization, he was really surprised that all material bags with transportation tickets was ready and there where non mistakes or some misunderstandings.
He noted, that this congress was one of the best-organized congresses he ever been.
Rasa Indilaitė
Konferencijų organizavimo vadybininkė
Turizmo agentūrų tinklas „West Express“
Labdien Līga!
Paldies par Tavu un Tavas komandas lielsiko darbu kongresa laikā! Paldies par iespēju baudīt Latvijas Holivudu un piedalīties kino kadru tapšanas epizodēs un izkustināt kājas Sweet water mūziķu pavadībā!! Gan man , gan maniem kolēģiem no Lietuvas un Igaunijas pasākums ļoti patika un mēs patiešām baudījām laiku un vietu , ne tikai kotletes!
Inese Vectirane
Brand Manager
4th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and 4th Joint National Congress of Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Disaster Medicine in Latvia
Dear Latvia friends,
This is just excellent. for all future congresses that I am involved in, I will suggest that they do as you have done.
Thank you very much!
Best regards from Jannicke at the Pan Arab Congress
Dear Liga,
You know already how grateful I am for all the arrangements you made for our visit to Riga and the Baltic Congress. It was a great success thanks to your efforts and those of all your colleagues. The venue for the Congress was very good and to be on site makes it easier for the speakers. The Congress dinner was fun and it was nice to see you wearing a very elegant dress, in the style of the house. AL had an excellent time in Riga and on Sunday morning we were very lucky to see the city with bright sunshine. The Art Nouveau quarter and the Old City were wonderful. We enjoyed the concert on Saturday evening, especially the second part where, we thought, there was more continuity in the music. It was a great experience.
Again many thanks and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
All the best
Pierre Foex
Dear Liga Hartpenga
The meeting was a great success! You and Professor Antonina Sondore and coworkers have made a magnificent job. All participants that I spoke to were very satisfied with the organization - both the Baltic and we coming as guests.
Olav FM Sellevold
Back to Milan I would like to thank you for the hospitality and congratulate you for the success of our conference. I am sure that all the participants feel that they have been learning something new and that it has been really worthwhile coming to Riga. I wish to take this opportunity to thanks Liga and all her staff for all the good work done too.
I send you my best regards and hope to be in contact with you soon. Best. Matilde
Matilde Leonardi M.D.
neurologist, paediatrician
Neurology, Public Health, Disability Unit (HEADNET)
Scientific Directorate
EU-MHADIE and EU-MURINET Projects Coordinator
European Brain Council - WHO Liaison
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta
Dear Doctor Vetra,
Just a short note to thank you for having me at the 10th Congress of European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation in Riga, Latvia. I appreciate your hospitality very much. All the arrangements went off without a problem.
The facility was fine, the scientific program interesting and the social events were excellent. Most of all, I appreciated the opportunity to interact with colleagues who attended the meeting. It was a great meeting and thank you for your time and effort in organizing it.
Again, thank you and I look forward to seeing and interacting with you at further regional and/or international rehabilitation meetings.
Martin Grabois, M.D.
Professor and Chairman
Joint Meeting ESRA/Latvian Society of Anaestesiology and Reanimatology
after returning to Zürich (after an another congress),
I would like to say THANK YOU to you and your team, for the excellent organisation of the Joint Meeting ESRA/ Latvian Society of Anaesthesia. Competent, efficient and friendly as it is not often seen at the congresses I attended before. You can be really proud on your as well as on the performance of your team.
Congratulations ant thanks a lot!
Prof. Slobodan Gligorijevic
ESRA Ambassador in Eastern European countries
“I have plenty of good memories from the 25th Annual Meeting of European Malignant Hyperthermia Group and from the beautiful city of Riga.”
Lena A., Sweden.
“The RIGA meeting is a wonderful remembering. You did a wonderful job in the scientific organization as well as in the conviviality. It was a real pleasure to discover your place.”
Professeur Renée K.H., France
“I wanted to say "thank you" to you and your colleagues! My client was really happy with everything! All guests had a great time and really enjoyed their stay in Riga. Most of all, they liked the Midsummer nights festival and Mrs. L. said, it was amazing to see, how hundreds of guest could be animated to dance altogether in a large circle and to have great party!
Thanks so much!
With best regards from Germany,
“I am arrived home safe and sound .The transfer was very good and Vilnius is a lovely city. I want to thank you with all my heart for the kindness and for the good organisation of the conference. (…)
Thank you very much again. Wishing to see you again, best regards.”
Alberto A., Italy
“I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the excellent conference organisation, we have appreciated very much your support (we know what does it mean to organise the international HPH conference: we had it in Florence in 2003!).
Thank you, and kindest regards,
Katalin M, Italy”
„For me too it was a pleasure to meet you - you have done such an excellent job! I really enjoyed the conference and the social events too as you can tell from the photos!!!! Thank you for those too!
The galla dinner was surperb - a wonderful surprise! Go ahead and arrange such wonderful events!
Best wishes
Lene S., Denmark”
“Thank you very much for the invitation to participate in your professional Congress.
I was pleasantly surprised about the kind attitude and the promptly sent information, which I regularly receive from Con-ex Latvia Tours.
The booking of the hotel and meeting arrangements were perfect, in due time and very well prepared. The whole performance showed the high level of Con-ex Latvia Tours professionalism and observance of international standards.
Reval Hotel Latvija staff was welcoming and kind and spoke fluent English.
I am convinced about Con-ex Latvia Tours professional capacities and good will to organize various international events.
The performance of Con-ex Latvia Tours during the Baltic Congress of Anestesiology fully corresponds to the performance of international tourism and intercontinental event company.
I thank you very much for the well done job and wish you success in all your future strivings and efforts.
Kind regards
Juris V., Latvia”
Dear Vita,
So far we have received only positive feedback from RigaJ Your services were fantastic dear Vita! The choice of the hotel, their services with always kind and attentive staff, the food and the dinner together with entertainment were perfect! Thank you again and I promise to advice your services to my other colleagues too.
Wishing you a nice day,
Dear Liga,
Thank you for your outstanding services for the logistics in conjunction with the Octapharma Academy course! The hotel was fantastic (so was the personnel), the food was superb and the dinner in the museum was a memorable evening. The guide was very good and he really contributed to our visit in Riga being nice and interesting. Also the evaluation from the participants of the course was very good. Everything worked out excellently and we were very pleased with the outcome.
6th Congress of Latvian Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Дорогая Вита!
Хочу сердечно поблагодарить за СУПЕРПРОФЕССИОНАЛИЗМ!
Вы организовали и конференцию, и мой приезд, и мой досуг - блестяще!
Была в Риге первый раз - полюбила ее, а ощущение как будто побывала дома у родных.
Светлана Калинченко
AIPPI Baltic conference
Dear Liga,
I want to thank you very much for the organisation of the congress.
I have rarely seen a congress where everything runs so smoothly, especially in view of the large number of speakers.
Very best regards
Daniel X Thomas
Dear Liga!
Thank you for presentations and for conference organisation! I enjoyed conference, and have the best memoirs on time spent in Riga.
Best regards,
Irina Rogal,
Trademark Attorney
Dear Mrs. Hartpenga ,
Back to Munich I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the perfect organization , the good service and the great hospitality during the AIPPI -conference! Due to this we really enjoyed our stay in Riga.
Yours very truly K. Schieschke Munich 23.04.2011
Līga, pirmo reizi redzu tādu personisko attieksmi konferences delegātiem! Paldies Tev!
Foral Patient Law office
5th Baltic Otorhinolaryngology Congress
Dear Professor Sokolovs, Dear Ligia
After 2 hours of flight we have landed in Vienna and now I am safely back home. I would like to thank you for invitation to the Baltic ORL Congress. I must say that the organization was excellent and also the level of presentations and international participation confirmed the position of Latvia and other Baltic countries in the European ORL. Also the evening in the Cinevilla was very pleasant with friendly atmosphere.
Once again thank you and I am looking forward to meet you soon in one of the ORL events.
With friendly regards
Milan Profant
Prof. Milan Profant, MD, PhD
Head of Univ. ORL Dept.
General Secretary to IFOS
Antolska 11
Slovak Republic
Dear Liga,
I just got a feedback from my GSK Lithuania group leader and he was really convenient with congress organization, he was really surprised that all material bags with transportation tickets was ready and there where non mistakes or some misunderstandings.
He noted, that this congress was one of the best-organized congresses he ever been.
Rasa Indilaitė
Konferencijų organizavimo vadybininkė
Turizmo agentūrų tinklas „West Express“
Labdien Līga!
Paldies par Tavu un Tavas komandas lielsiko darbu kongresa laikā! Paldies par iespēju baudīt Latvijas Holivudu un piedalīties kino kadru tapšanas epizodēs un izkustināt kājas Sweet water mūziķu pavadībā!! Gan man , gan maniem kolēģiem no Lietuvas un Igaunijas pasākums ļoti patika un mēs patiešām baudījām laiku un vietu , ne tikai kotletes!
Inese Vectirane
Brand Manager
4th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care and 4th Joint National Congress of Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology, Intensive Care, Emergency and Disaster Medicine in Latvia
Dear Latvia friends,
This is just excellent. for all future congresses that I am involved in, I will suggest that they do as you have done.
Thank you very much!
Best regards from Jannicke at the Pan Arab Congress
Dear Liga,
You know already how grateful I am for all the arrangements you made for our visit to Riga and the Baltic Congress. It was a great success thanks to your efforts and those of all your colleagues. The venue for the Congress was very good and to be on site makes it easier for the speakers. The Congress dinner was fun and it was nice to see you wearing a very elegant dress, in the style of the house. AL had an excellent time in Riga and on Sunday morning we were very lucky to see the city with bright sunshine. The Art Nouveau quarter and the Old City were wonderful. We enjoyed the concert on Saturday evening, especially the second part where, we thought, there was more continuity in the music. It was a great experience.
Again many thanks and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
All the best
Pierre Foex
Dear Liga Hartpenga
The meeting was a great success! You and Professor Antonina Sondore and coworkers have made a magnificent job. All participants that I spoke to were very satisfied with the organization - both the Baltic and we coming as guests.
Olav FM Sellevold
The 10th Congress of European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation
Dear Aivars,Back to Milan I would like to thank you for the hospitality and congratulate you for the success of our conference. I am sure that all the participants feel that they have been learning something new and that it has been really worthwhile coming to Riga. I wish to take this opportunity to thanks Liga and all her staff for all the good work done too.
I send you my best regards and hope to be in contact with you soon. Best. Matilde
Matilde Leonardi M.D.
neurologist, paediatrician
Neurology, Public Health, Disability Unit (HEADNET)
Scientific Directorate
EU-MHADIE and EU-MURINET Projects Coordinator
European Brain Council - WHO Liaison
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta
Dear Doctor Vetra,
Just a short note to thank you for having me at the 10th Congress of European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation in Riga, Latvia. I appreciate your hospitality very much. All the arrangements went off without a problem.
The facility was fine, the scientific program interesting and the social events were excellent. Most of all, I appreciated the opportunity to interact with colleagues who attended the meeting. It was a great meeting and thank you for your time and effort in organizing it.
Again, thank you and I look forward to seeing and interacting with you at further regional and/or international rehabilitation meetings.
Martin Grabois, M.D.
Professor and Chairman
Joint Meeting ESRA/Latvian Society of Anaestesiology and Reanimatology
“Advances and Trends in Regional Anaestesia”
Dear Ligaafter returning to Zürich (after an another congress),
I would like to say THANK YOU to you and your team, for the excellent organisation of the Joint Meeting ESRA/ Latvian Society of Anaesthesia. Competent, efficient and friendly as it is not often seen at the congresses I attended before. You can be really proud on your as well as on the performance of your team.
Congratulations ant thanks a lot!
Prof. Slobodan Gligorijevic
ESRA Ambassador in Eastern European countries
“I have plenty of good memories from the 25th Annual Meeting of European Malignant Hyperthermia Group and from the beautiful city of Riga.”
Lena A., Sweden.
“The RIGA meeting is a wonderful remembering. You did a wonderful job in the scientific organization as well as in the conviviality. It was a real pleasure to discover your place.”
Professeur Renée K.H., France
“I wanted to say "thank you" to you and your colleagues! My client was really happy with everything! All guests had a great time and really enjoyed their stay in Riga. Most of all, they liked the Midsummer nights festival and Mrs. L. said, it was amazing to see, how hundreds of guest could be animated to dance altogether in a large circle and to have great party!
Thanks so much!
With best regards from Germany,
“I am arrived home safe and sound .The transfer was very good and Vilnius is a lovely city. I want to thank you with all my heart for the kindness and for the good organisation of the conference. (…)
Thank you very much again. Wishing to see you again, best regards.”
Alberto A., Italy
“I would like to thank you and your colleagues for the excellent conference organisation, we have appreciated very much your support (we know what does it mean to organise the international HPH conference: we had it in Florence in 2003!).
Thank you, and kindest regards,
Katalin M, Italy”
„For me too it was a pleasure to meet you - you have done such an excellent job! I really enjoyed the conference and the social events too as you can tell from the photos!!!! Thank you for those too!
The galla dinner was surperb - a wonderful surprise! Go ahead and arrange such wonderful events!
Best wishes
Lene S., Denmark”
“Thank you very much for the invitation to participate in your professional Congress.
I was pleasantly surprised about the kind attitude and the promptly sent information, which I regularly receive from Con-ex Latvia Tours.
The booking of the hotel and meeting arrangements were perfect, in due time and very well prepared. The whole performance showed the high level of Con-ex Latvia Tours professionalism and observance of international standards.
Reval Hotel Latvija staff was welcoming and kind and spoke fluent English.
I am convinced about Con-ex Latvia Tours professional capacities and good will to organize various international events.
The performance of Con-ex Latvia Tours during the Baltic Congress of Anestesiology fully corresponds to the performance of international tourism and intercontinental event company.
I thank you very much for the well done job and wish you success in all your future strivings and efforts.
Kind regards
Juris V., Latvia”